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I've just been reading on Sids blogg and I felt that - IMMA STEEL HER CAPTION AND WRITE A DAMN POST MY SELF!
Actually, I decided this already on tuesday. I went to the second day of the O-week att UNSW. And I guess you wonder why! (No you don't cause you probably already know but lets us just pretend you don't!) I applied for the Bachelor Degree in Media (PR & advertising) and suprisinlgy I got accepted! What I wasn't prepered for was the 1000$ deposition fee they charged when you accept the offer is another suprise.. Well gotta pay while I wait for CSN to send me the money. I'm trying my best to get rid of ALL my loans and soon as possible. But constatly things like this - kinda important-ish things - comes and interfers with my savings!
O-week was full on and I felt like a little child walking around all this hundreds of stall of things. It was so many societys I got completley overwhelmed. I mean there was a freaking Pokemon society and a Disney society - overflow of societys? Yes I think.
 Overall it was pretty fun seeing everything, but it sucked that I was lonley. Like forever alone. No friends and yeah. No friends haha. Ah well, I guess they will appear later on, or I bloody hope so, hehe.
Btw, tuesday wasn't my first day at O-week, monday was. I attended the "Official welcome" and it felt a lot like Sweden when you are all gathering togeter in "the big hall" to listen to the principal and people sing, but here It was the Chancellor and northern aborginials dancing. (I video:d it , freaking cool)
So because I completley lost interest of sharing my daily life at the track, maybe my life as a uni student will be more interesting? Lets wait and see. Now some vids and pcis!
Love, Rivera
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